Thursday, February 13, 2014

ID Challenge #2

Back for more huh? Now we'll work on some of the more tricky sparrows. This was taken in a swampy/marshy area on the edge of a wooded lot.

What say you RBASers?

Bonus photo! Zoomed in of the original...


  1. This guy must be mad at you, his crown is up.... looks like a chipping sparrow but I'm not sure...

  2. Oh he was a little perturbed at me! This sparrow has too many decorations on its face and chest to be a Chipping. Notice the light streaking on the chest, greyish face and color on the submoustachial and malar stripes. The light streaking is key here (most other sparrows in the winter in the Brazos Valley have stronger streaking on their chest).
